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Speed Sex (for both girls and guys)

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Are you a straight person aged 19-29, who is definitely not a virgin, and not sexually dysfunctional?

93% (46) Yes
6% (3) No, and I'm not taking this poll

49 voters have answered this question.

Girls. With no cultural or personal inhibitions, how quickly do you think the average guy, aged 22, sub-consciously decides whether a girl they've just met is attractive enough to (eventually) have sex with? Around…

41% (14) 7 seconds
11% (4) 15 seconds
14% (5) Half a minute
14% (5) 1 minute
2% (1) 2.5 minutes
2% (1) 5
2% (1) 10
2% (1) 20
2% (1) 30
0% (0) 40
0% (0) 50
2% (1) 60

34 voters have answered this question.

Guys. With no cultural or personal inhibitions, how quickly do you think the average girl, aged 22, sub-consciously decides whether a guy they've just met is attractive enough to (eventually) have sex with? Around…

22% (6) 7 seconds
7% (2) 15 seconds
18% (5) Half a minute
11% (3) 1 minute
14% (4) 2.5 minutes
0% (0) 5
11% (3) 10
7% (2) 20
3% (1) 30
0% (0) 40
0% (0) 50
3% (1) 60

27 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-03-17 23:13:01 by Mooloolaba
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