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Your views of an ideology frequently derided but seldom practiced in the USA.
Where do you think liberalism stands on the political spectrum?
Do you think there is really a difference between liberalism and libertarianism?
No, libertarianism holds the classic principles of liberalism which involve free enterprise and freedom of choice, terminology only differs depending on which side of the atlantic you lie on.
Yes, libertarians are far more laissez-faire/free trade while liberals want to see a more regulated economy that leans more to the left or, depending on your point of view, less to the right.
Yes, liberals are more authoritarian in terms of both economic and social policies and want to forcefeed people their beliefs while libertarians just let everybody act how they please.
Yes, libertarians are more authoritarian in terms of social policy because they are not willing to correct the problems and injustices of society, they would rather pander to the right.
Does liberalism necessarily imply effeminacy or weakness?
No, it's just common sense.
Yeah, but only because it is a silly stereotype in American culture.
Yeah, those liberals are wimps.
Please tick whichever issues you agree more with liberals on than conservatives (this does NOT include socialists)
Taxing the rich
Social security
Fundamentalism vs Secularism
Gay rights
Ethnic minorities
Women's rights (not including abortion)
Foreign aid
Death penalty
Gun laws
Please tick whichever you agree more with conservatives on (this does NOT include hardline theocrats, KKK members or fascists)
Tax cuts for the rich
Privatised social security
Fundamentalism vs Secularism
Gay rights
Ethnic minorities
Women's rights (not including abortion)
Foreign Aid
Death penalty
Gun laws
This poll was created on 2005-03-02 01:57:31 by JaggerIsGod