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Acceptable Nudity for Children on the Beach

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This poll is to determine parents' attitudes towards children's nudity on regular, "textile" (i.e. non-naturist or nudist) beaches. It is aimed at people who do not class themselves as nudists or naturists.

How many children do you have?

12% (173) One.
35% (477) Two.
26% (360) Three.
13% (178) Four.
12% (166) Five or more.

1354 voters have answered this question.

What are their ages? (Tick all that apply)

3% (47) Under one year old.
4% (64) One to two years old.
7% (110) Two to three years old.
10% (149) Three to four years old.
14% (197) Four to five years old.
24% (339) Five to seven years old.
34% (474) Seven to nine years old.
44% (616) Nine to eleven years old.
56% (780) Over eleven years old.

1383 voters have answered this question.

What are their sexes?

23% (324) Boy(s) only.
19% (269) Girls(s) only.
57% (791) Boys and Girls.

1384 voters have answered this question.

What do your boys USUALLY wear on the beach?

2% (32) Full length (wetsuit-syle) swimming costumes.
0% (7) "Speedo"-style swimming trunks with a t-shirt.
10% (128) "Speedo"-style swimming trunks only.
2% (26) Shorts with a t-shirt.
10% (121) Shorts only.
0% (2) Underpants with a t-shirt.
3% (47) Underpants only.
3% (37) T-shirt only.
64% (783) Nothing (i.e. nude).
2% (27) Other (please leave a message).

1210 voters have answered this question.

What do your girls USUALLY wear on the beach?

11% (128) Full one-piece swimming costume.
12% (147) Two-piece bikini costume (both top and bottoms).
1% (13) Two-piece bikini costume (both top and bottoms) with a t-shirt.
1% (16) Bikini bottoms (no top) with a t-shirt.
10% (117) Bikini bottoms only.
0% (11) Underpants with t-shirt.
3% (36) Underpants only.
2% (32) T-shirt only.
53% (606) Nothing (i.e. nude).
3% (37) Other (please leave a message).

1143 voters have answered this question.

Where do you live?

1% (17) Africa.
0% (11) Middle-East Asia.
0% (10) Far-East Asia.
8% (112) Australia.
6% (93) Canada.
6% (89) Eastern Europe.
14% (198) Western Europe.
3% (44) Scandinavia.
12% (174) United Kingdom.
42% (582) United States of America.
1% (27) South America.

1357 voters have answered this question.

If you let your children go nude on the beach, what are your reasons for this? (Tick all that apply)

39% (513) They ask to.
37% (486) Other children on the beach are usually nude.
33% (442) So they can get an all-over tan.
49% (642) You believe being nude is physically healthy for them.
47% (615) You believe being nude is emotionally healthy for them.
17% (224) You don't want them getting their clothes or swimming costumes dirty or damaged.
36% (473) No reason - that's just the way you do things.
7% (95) Other reason (please leave a message).

1302 voters have answered this question.

If you do NOT let your children go nude on the beach, what are your reasons? (Tick all that apply)

35% (146) They do not want to.
18% (79) No other children on the beach go nude.
6% (27) You do not believe it is physically healthy for them to go nude (e.g. risk of skin cancer)
8% (37) You do not believe it is emotionally healthy for them to go nude.
24% (102) Risk from predators.
10% (43) You believe they are too old.
7% (30) Other people have complained in the past.
29% (121) No reason - that's just the way things are.
11% (49) Other reason (please leave a message)

416 voters have answered this question.

How does your children's state of dress differ if you are on a beach in a foreign country?

10% (132) The girls generally wear less.
10% (137) The boys generally wear less.
13% (167) Both the girls and boys wear less.
3% (44) The girls generally wear more.
3% (40) The boys generally wear more.
4% (53) Both the girls and boys wear more.
55% (701) It stays the same.

1274 voters have answered this question.

How has your children's state of dress on the beach changed as they have got older.

5% (67) The boys have started wearing more as they have got older.
6% (85) The girls have started wearing more as they have got older.
4% (57) Both the boys and girls have started wearing more as they have got older.
6% (90) The boys have started wearing less as they have got older.
7% (96) The girls have started wearing less as they have got older.
9% (128) Both the boys and girls have started wearing less as they have got older.
59% (770) It hasn't changed.

1293 voters have answered this question.

Has anyone ever complained to you about your children being nude on the beach, and if so, who?

70% (907) No, no-one has ever complained. (Skip next question.)
14% (186) Yes, another parent.
11% (144) Yes, another beach-goer (non-parent).
1% (14) Yes, a ranger or warden.
1% (14) Yes, a Police officer.
1% (14) Other (please leave a message.)

1279 voters have answered this question.

What did you then do as a result of someone complaining?

2% (16) Make your children get dressed.
4% (27) Make your children put on their swimming trunks/costumes.
3% (20) Make your children put on their underwear.
19% (108) Let them stay nude, but move to another part of the beach.
59% (327) Let them stay nude and stay where you were.
3% (21) Leave the beach.
6% (35) Other (please leave a message.)

554 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever commented or complained to anothe parent about their children being nude on the beach?

11% (138) Yes.
88% (1095) No. (Skip next 3 questions.)

1233 voters have answered this question.

How old were the children in question? (Tick all that apply.)

12% (26) Under one year old.
13% (28) One to two years old.
12% (27) Two to three years old.
14% (31) Three to four years old.
15% (33) Four to five years old.
23% (50) Five to seven years old.
25% (54) Seven to nine years old.
34% (73) Nine to eleven years old.
60% (127) Over eleven years old.

211 voters have answered this question.

What were your reasons for complaining? (Tick all that apply.)

16% (28) Concern for the child's safety.
18% (31) They were at risk from sun-burn.
23% (39) The children were causing a nuisance.
6% (11) You do not believe children should be allowed to go nude on the beach.
26% (44) The children were too old to be nude on the beach.
19% (32) You were concerned your children would want to be nude too.
20% (34) Other. (Please leave a message.)

168 voters have answered this question.

What did their parents do as a result of your complaining?

7% (15) Made the children get dressed.
9% (19) Made the children put on their swimming trunks/costumes.
12% (23) Made the children put on their underwear.
15% (29) Let them stay nude, but moved away.
42% (82) Let them stay nude, and stayed where they were.
12% (23) Other. (Please leave a message.)

191 voters have answered this question.

Where else do you let your boys go nude? (Tick all that apply.)

79% (872) At home, either just before or just after taking a bath/shower.
73% (808) At home, in bed.
73% (814) At home, at any time if you have no visitors.
64% (714) In the back garden, if you've got the paddling pool or 'Slip 'n' Slide' out.
67% (738) In the back garden at any time.
39% (432) Fountain (or similar) in a public park/garden.
74% (817) Showers at a public swimming pool.
18% (206) Other (please leave a message).

1101 voters have answered this question.

Where else do you let your girls go nude? (Tick all that apply.)

76% (746) At home, either just before or just after taking a bath/shower.
72% (699) At home, in bed.
73% (709) At home, at any time if you have no visitors.
61% (600) In the back garden, if you've got the paddling pool or 'Slip 'n' Slide' out.
64% (629) In the back garden at any time.
36% (358) Fountain (or similar) in a public park/garden.
66% (642) Showers at a public swimming pool.
18% (179) Other (please leave a message).

970 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever considered going to a nudist or naturist beach?

81% (1030) Yes.
18% (233) No. (skip next 2 questions)

1263 voters have answered this question.

Would you let your children go nude on a nudist beach?

1% (22) No.
18% (210) Yes, but just the boys.
9% (106) Yes, but just the girls.
62% (702) Yes, both the boys and girls
6% (77) It would depend if there were other nude children there or not.

1117 voters have answered this question.

Would you yourself go nude on a nudist beach?

87% (1006) Yes.
12% (141) No.

1147 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-03-11 19:28:23 by Nooder
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