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What Show's Cooler?

I like The Simpsons, but I also like Family Guy and South Park. I can't choose who's the coolest. What do you think?
Which show is cooler?
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park
King of The Hill
I don't like those kind of shows.
When you were a kid, (if you can remenber back then) what cartoons did you watch.
The Flintstones
The Jetsons
Scooby Doo
Didn't watch cartoons. I was to busy playing outside.
Just to know who I'm talkin' to. How old are you.
0-10 (How can you use a computer at age 0?)
11-20 (That's understandable.)
21-30 (Still understandable.)
31-40 (Can't think of anything to say.)
41-50 (Still can't think of anything to say.)
51-100 (My my, that's a big jump.)
I'm technically dead. I bet you didn' see that coming.
What's another question I could ask... um..... well... I've got one. If you really had to choose, what show is the best.
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park
King of The Hill
Nothing else I can think of, so the Final Question. Was this a good poll?
Better than any other poll out there!
It was good. I liked it.
It's some what decent.
I hated it, and I hate you.
I really hated it, and I want to kill you.
This poll was created on 2005-03-17 16:02:27 by THB 306