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Men's Views on Women's bodies

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I recently looked at a male’s magazine and compared it to a woman’s magazine, and found the models were very different in body weight. Are women really obsessing over thinness? Thank you for your time.

Your age

28% (18) 14-17
31% (20) 18-25
18% (12) 26-35
4% (3) 36-45
6% (4) 46-55
10% (7) 56+

64 voters have answered this question.

Women are always on diets to look thin, but what do men really think of the way women should look?

9% (6) Skinny (like in mags such as Cosmo)
35% (23) Average
40% (26) Curvy (like in FHM ect)
6% (4) Portly
7% (5) Plump

64 voters have answered this question.

If average men controlled the power of media on females, do you think women would be thinner or curvier than today's images?

15% (10) Thinner
84% (53) Curvier

63 voters have answered this question.

Do you think women would be happier, if the media's image of thin women, was changed?

61% (39) Yes
9% (6) No
28% (18) Maybe

63 voters have answered this question.

If you are in a relationship with a women, how would you most like her to look?

9% (6) Skinny
36% (22) Average
37% (23) Curvy
4% (3) Portly
4% (3) Portly
6% (4) Plump

61 voters have answered this question.

Finally, do you think the media should stop putting pressure on males and females to look a certain way?

67% (42) Yes
16% (10) No
16% (10) Maybe

62 voters have answered this question.

Did you know 7 out of 10 girls under the age of 15 are, or have been obsessed with their weight?

70% (43) Yes
29% (18) No

61 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-03-07 04:11:05 by leciena
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