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Did we Land on the Moon?

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FOX TV aired a conspiracy theory program which argues that the apollo moon missions were all FAKE.

Do You think that the Government FOOLED the whole world.

45% (52) YES
40% (47) NO
13% (16) NOT SURE

115 voters have answered this question.

Many informations say that Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin(2nd man to walk on the moon) droped tears in his eyes and left the place when asked about his expirience. Is This Due to the Fact that he didnt walk on the moon?

44% (46) NOT For that
19% (20) Not Sure

104 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that it was NASA which actually made Apollo 1 to explode before take off and kill the three astronauts because they knew too much about the PLAN?


107 voters have answered this question.

Is the flag waving are due to air in AREA 51.

50% (52) Yes. cos there's no air in moon.
49% (50) No.

102 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that AREA 51 Really Exist?

48% (49) Yes. The Fake was made There.
10% (11) No and the mission is not Fake.
40% (41) Yes. But it was not made there and apollo program is true.

101 voters have answered this question.

Will the truth about the fake(if really it is) will be found later?

55% (55) YES
44% (44) NO

99 voters have answered this question.

If it was really fake who's to be blamed?

60% (52) Govenment of America
12% (11) President Nixon
26% (23) NASA

86 voters have answered this question.

Some say that the apollo program started when Vietnam war started and stopped abruptly when the war ended.Is it true to get the publics mind off of all the bad things going on in Vietnam, the US faked a moon landings?

47% (44) YES
52% (49) NO

93 voters have answered this question.

Do you think the moon landings were fake?

52% (52) YES
47% (47) NO

99 voters have answered this question.

Is US is secretly keeping an UFO crashed in New Mexico in 1947?

33% (32) Yes
66% (63) No

95 voters have answered this question.

Do you beleive that the UFOs come from Ancient India?

6% (6) Yes
55% (53) No
37% (36) I've never heard about it(visit http://www.ufoevidence.org/topics/Vimanas.htm)

95 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-03-11 07:36:40 by Karthik Rocky
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