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Friendship & Love

I'm in the middle of a dispute with a friend of mine and was wondering what a few non biased opinions would be.
About five years ago Mandy met Alex and they became friends. Mandy had romantic feelings for Alex, but they were NOT mutual. Mandy has since 'gotten over' Alex, and is in a happy, serious relationship with someone else. I have been friends with Mandy for a little over two years. Mandy introduced me to Alex and gave me permission to sleep with him. Alex and I hit it off much better than Mandy anticipated and are now involved in a serious, wonderful relationship. Mandy is furious with both of us. Does Mandy have a right to be angry?
No, its Mandy's own fault
Yes, you and Alex should never have hooked up
This poll was created on 2005-03-31 21:09:34 by Stinkypoo