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Philosophy poll

Do you believe in a higher power of any sort?

25% (1) Yes
75% (3) No

4 voters have answered this question.

If there is a chair and you have no knowledge of it, does it exist?

100% (4) Yes
0% (0) No

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you think we can know about things that cannot be directly perceived?

75% (3) Yes
25% (1) No

4 voters have answered this question.

2. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you rely on direct observation to learn what you learn?_____

No graph available for this question

4 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1-10, how important are the arts in your life?_____

No graph available for this question

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you think art must be attractive to succeed as art?

25% (1) Yes
75% (3) No

4 voters have answered this question.

Which is better: to donate 1000 dollars to a charity because you have to or to donate 500 because you desire to?

25% (1) 1,000
75% (3) 500

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that there is a set of moral rules that apply under any and all circumstances?

25% (1) yes
75% (3) no

4 voters have answered this question.

Is the following a correct or an erroneous syllogism(a argument of the form "a, then b, then c, therfore, a therfore c. A famous example is "socrates is a man, all men are mortal, therfore, socrates is mortal). A) Chuck Norris has published a paper presenting his proof that there are infinitely many twin primes. B) Chuck Norris is awesome C) Therefore, his proof of the Twin Primes conjecture is valid. Note that the name and problem are both irrelevant to the question.

0% (0) Yes
100% (4) No

4 voters have answered this question.

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you rely on “common sense”?_____

No graph available for this question

4 voters have answered this question.

Have you studied philosophy at all, either in a class or independently?

50% (2) Yes
50% (2) No

4 voters have answered this question.

What are your political leanings?

0% (0) Far right(very conservative)
33% (1) Center right(moderately conservative)
0% (0) Centrist
0% (0) Center left(moderately liberal)
66% (2) Far left(very liberal)

3 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2009-09-13 21:56:45 by martin fierro
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