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Hilary Duff & Joel Madden

What do you think about them being a couple, are you a GC or HD fan etc..
What do you think about them dating?
Lets just say hes 26 an shes not even legal yet..gross
Who cares about age they make a cute couple!
Who cares about there love lifes? I know i dont..
This is for the girls, If you was still a year or 2 under age would your mom an dad let you date a 26 year old?
OMG no they would kill me!!
I would try to explain to them we love each other an see what happens..
Eww why would i even consider dating someone that much older then me??
Who would Hilary look better with?
She looks just fine with Joel,the whole Punk with Princess thing is cute
She should of stay with Aaron Carter an left Joel alone
Hilary an Chad Murray soo cute in ACS they should of dated..
Who do you like better?
Hilary, Hilary is the best in every way, need to say more?
Joel how could you not love him..
Who is the best?
Um..Do i need to even say why Joel is?
Hilary is for sure!! Im sure Joel didnt make over 24 million by the time he was
They both suck
Will they last?
Ya they will they been dating for almost 1yr now, an its clear from recent pixs
No it wont Joel just wants one thing, once he gets what he wants when shes 18 he
Im not sure yet still hard to tell..
I could care less
Do you think Joel has changed sense being around Hilary?
No hes still the same as he was years ago
For sure, hes always in white, hardly wears eyeliner, an gells his hair now?
Ya he has changed alot i dont like it! Joel ur looking like a missfit in ur band
Joel please stop tryin to be a wannabe saint an go back to your punk rocker look
Is Hilary still a Virgin?
Who knows, i heard her an Joel did it while they was in Canada though!
Hil is such a goody good she prob only makes out on keep & keeps it G off cam
No good girl is that good, im sure shes hiding a little something..
Dont care about losers..
For the guys, What do you think about them 2?
Joel is a loser tell him to get a girl his own age? Or is it that he just can't?
Really suxs i wanted Hilary to myself
Dont worry wont last. Hilary will be wanting to a normal guy again soon enough..
If they do a duet or tour together..
I would Die!! Hilary an Joel both i would get how sweet is that!
Who knows how it will go it would be interesting though..
If Joel ever dose anything like that with Hilary Duff he will loose me as a fan!
Is the girl with Joel in the "I just want to Live" Video ment to be a Hilary "look a like"
Yeah, Shes got golden blonde hair dressed in pink that right there says Hilary
Haven't seen it yet
So what she got blonde hair an wearin pink? But it is a little weird..
Ever think Hilary would fall for a Bad Boy?
Nope never just dosen't match her
Not really but, whatever floats her boat right?
Yeah but never thought it would happen..
What did you think of this poll?
Was fun to fill out little funny too.
Was good
It was just ok
It suxed..
What do you think just friends or more?
I think there just friends as she said before..
For just friends she spends a hell of a lot of time with a 26yr old just for fun
Its still hard to tell but friends or more there getting closer..
This poll was created on 2005-04-07 03:44:05 by ttthebytch