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what do you think?

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what do you think of smoking? please let me know


57% (69) male
42% (52) female

121 voters have answered this question.


4% (6) under 10
7% (9) 11-12
15% (19) 13-14
72% (89) over 14

123 voters have answered this question.

do you smoke?

78% (97) yes
12% (15) no
4% (5) quit
4% (6) want to start

123 voters have answered this question.

what do you think of smoking?

82% (102) if we want to smoke its our decision
2% (3) its ok with parental permission
10% (13) its wrong we should not smoke
4% (5) im not sure

123 voters have answered this question.

if you smoke do the health risks affect your smoking?

5% (6) yes i dont smoke
6% (7) yes i smoke very little
10% (12) a little
24% (27) not really
53% (60) no i dont really care

112 voters have answered this question.

if you smoke why did you start?

55% (60) just wanted to start
12% (14) friends
19% (21) family
12% (13) other

108 voters have answered this question.

are you allowed to smoke at home?

12% (13) yes only out side
60% (65) yes every where i want
27% (29) no i have to sneak them they dont know

107 voters have answered this question.

if given the choice would you start smoking again?

79% (86) hell yea i love smoking
7% (8) maybe i dont know
2% (3) i might
3% (4) no i would not
6% (7) i wish i never started

108 voters have answered this question.

would you ever get others to start smoking?

78% (94) yes
11% (14) no
9% (11) why would i do that?

119 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-04-14 17:35:47 by youngsmoker
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