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about obesity as a world problem

Do you believe obesity is a world problem?

84% (22) yes
15% (4) no

26 voters have answered this question.

Do you know someone who is obese?

76% (20) yes
11% (3) no
11% (3) I don't know

26 voters have answered this question.

Are you aware of diseases that are linked to obesity?

92% (24) yes
7% (2) no
0% (0) not sure

26 voters have answered this question.

Do you know anyone who is obese and is suffering from diseases linked to obesity?

44% (11) yes
36% (9) no
20% (5) not sure

25 voters have answered this question.

How do you think obesity should be resolved?

64% (16) Diet
76% (19) Excercise
24% (6) Medicine
16% (4) It should not be resolved
12% (3) Obesity is not a problem
8% (2) I don't know
16% (4) Other

25 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-04-24 22:45:18 by Mel114
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