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NBA Playoffs

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this is a poll about the NBA Playoffs.

Heat vs Wizards

50% (12) Heat
50% (12) Wizards

24 voters have answered this question.

Pacers vs Pistons

50% (11) Pacers
50% (11) Pistons

22 voters have answered this question.

Mavs vs Suns

50% (9) Mavs
50% (9) Suns

18 voters have answered this question.

Spurs vs Sonics

50% (14) Spurs
50% (14) Sonics

28 voters have answered this question.

East Champ?

25% (8) Heat
25% (8) Pistons
25% (8) Pacers
25% (8) Wizards

32 voters have answered this question.

West Champ?

25% (12) Spurs
25% (12) Suns
25% (12) Mavs
25% (12) Sonics

48 voters have answered this question.

NBA Finals Predictions pick ONLY 2 that will be in the fianls

74% (38) Heat
74% (38) Spurs
74% (38) Suns
74% (38) Pistons
74% (38) Mavs
74% (38) Sonics
74% (38) Wizards
74% (38) Pacers

51 voters have answered this question.

NBA Champs

11% (6) Heat
11% (6) Suns
13% (7) Sonics
13% (7) Spurs
13% (7) Mavs
13% (7) Pistons
11% (6) Pacers
11% (6) Wizards

52 voters have answered this question.

Do you agree with Steve Nash being the MVP?

25% (7) yeah, he deserved it
25% (7) no, Shaq should have been MVP
25% (7) no, LeBron should have been MVP
25% (7) no, someone els should have been MVP

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-05-15 02:04:17 by mikeh034
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