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poll of smckdown and raw

who will win the 7 seris between booker T vs chris benoit

38% (70) bookerT
61% (113) chris benoit

183 voters have answered this question.

who shud be champ

19% (35) triple H
7% (13) kurt angle
34% (64) john cena
9% (18) edge
0% (1) davari
5% (11) kane
0% (0) big show
1% (3) ric flair
10% (19) hbk
10% (20) outher

184 voters have answered this question.

which wrestler has da best submission

36% (66) chris benoit crossface
23% (42) kurt angle angle lock
8% (15) chris jericho walls of jericho
1% (2) triple H indian death lock
18% (33) Bret Hart sharp shooter
13% (24) ric flair figure four leg lock

182 voters have answered this question.

Who is the best gm in wwe history

8% (16) kurt angle
41% (74) teddy long
16% (30) eric bishoff
25% (46) stephanie
6% (12) paul heymon

178 voters have answered this question.

do u think teddy long is better as a heel or face

73% (125) face
26% (46) heel

171 voters have answered this question.

which champion ship do u think looks da best

30% (83) wwe champion ship
11% (32) wwe champion ship old
21% (60) world heavyweight
9% (25) U.S
4% (12) I.C
8% (24) hardcore
2% (8) tag teams
3% (11) world tag team
7% (21) womams

276 voters have answered this question.

which wrestler do u think has a great future

29% (52) shelton benjamin
21% (39) mr kennedy
28% (51) boogeyman
1% (2) davari
0% (1) rob conway
2% (5) sylvan
4% (8) Juventud
0% (1) Joey Mercury
4% (8) Johnny Nitro
6% (11) Heidenreich

178 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-11-27 15:27:15 by lucy and owen
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