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useless superhero powers

me and mark oneday had an abrupt argument on what the most useless super power would be and we think we need your help
which in your opinion wolud be the most useless stupid super power that would not help you or the genral public in any way? help, please take seriously
being able to walk on bushes(like ontop kinda like walking on water but on bushe
having meat vision but at the same time you are a vegitarion.
being able to change the color of any object but yopu as the super hero could on
being able to grow or shorten your genaral body hair.
being able to count in milliseconds (like .01, .02, .03, .04, .05.....but hella
being able to turn the pages of books by blinking your eyes.
being able to make things sticky by looking at them.
This poll was created on 2006-05-28 17:01:35 by Three six mafia