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Naked, when and where?

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When you practice sport, there are many times to be naked: shower, when you change, and so on. What is you experience?

How old are you?

3% (15) under 10 years old
7% (33) 11-12 years old
33% (152) 13-15 years old
22% (99) 16-18 years old
15% (69) 19-25 years old
7% (35) 26-35 years old
10% (47) more than 36 years old

450 voters have answered this question.

Where are you from?

3% (14) Africa
3% (14) Asia
8% (38) Australia
31% (143) Europe
0% (2) Middle East
51% (231) North America
1% (7) South America

449 voters have answered this question.

Which sport do you practice?

39% (173) Soccer
13% (57) Baseball
64% (281) Swimming
26% (116) Athletic
25% (110) Gymnastic
20% (88) Tennis
16% (72) Volleyball
24% (105) Basketball
4% (19) Polo

437 voters have answered this question.

Do you shower naked?

95% (430) Yes
4% (20) No

450 voters have answered this question.

Do you remove all your clothes before dressing for your sport?

87% (391) Yes
12% (55) No

446 voters have answered this question.

Do you go naked from the shower to the changing room?

86% (388) Yes
13% (60) No

448 voters have answered this question.

Do you talk with other when you are naked?

85% (381) Yes
14% (66) No

447 voters have answered this question.

What is you sex?

80% (364) Male
19% (88) Female

452 voters have answered this question.

Are you usually naked with other sex in changing room or shower?

54% (240) Yes
45% (200) No

440 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever practice sport naked?

54% (245) Yes
45% (201) No

446 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-05-21 20:35:20 by bale
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