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right or wrong?

This is a poll to see just how people feel about various hot topics of today
Male or Female
Males how old are you?
13 or younger
Females how old are you?
13 or younger
Males 13 or younger, what is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Males 14-18. What is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Males 19-26. What is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Males 27+ what is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Females 13 or younger what is your view on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Females 14-18 What is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Females 19-26 what is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Females 27+ what is your opinion on homosexual marriage?
I am totally 100% against it
I am against it but not totally
I am not sure
I do not care
I am for it but not totally
I am totally 100% for it
Males do you think having group sex is right or wrong?
I believe it is right, but only when your not in a relationship
I believe it is right, always
I am not sure
I believe it is wrong, only when in a relationship
I believe it is wrong, always
Females do you think having group sex is right or wrong?
I believe it is right, but only when your not in a relationship
I believe it is right, always
I am not sure
I believe it is wrong, only when in a relationship
I believe it is wrong, always
Males 13 or younger, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Males 14-18, Should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Males 19-26, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Males 27+, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Females 13 or younger, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Females 14-18, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Females 19-26, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Females 27+, should internet porn be prohibited?
not sure
Males 13 or younger, should communal showers be made coed in public school?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Males 14-18, should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Males 19-26, should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Males 27+, should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Females 13 or younger, Should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Females 14-18, should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Females 19-26, should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
Females 27+, should communal showers be made coed in public schools?
yes, definately
no, that is appalling
not sure
This poll was created on 2005-07-05 02:37:59 by Saturn