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Randomness 13

Totally Random Things!
If you said yes, you do want to be famous, how determined are you to make yourself famous?
Somewhat determined. I keep hoping someone will notice me.
Very determined. I'm currently taking action to get myself noticed.
Not very determined. It's just a dream and I know it won't happen.
So, which one?
what microsoft office do you use the most?
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Acess
Microsoft Front Page
Microdoft Publisher
What Windows is your cpu?
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows 95
What is Your Screen Resolution Size?
I don't Know
800x600 or Lower
Have you lost data or programs because of malicious software?
First off, what brand is your primary computer?
First off, what brand is your primary computer?
Do you own a laptop or a desktop?
How fast is your PC?
2.1 GHz - 2.5 GHz
3.1 GHz and up
1.6 GHz - 2.0 GHz
How fast is your PC?
301 - 600 MHz
601 - 900 MHz
901 MHz - 1.5 GHz
I have no clue.
Under 300 MHz
What operating system do you use?
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Macintosh (any OS)
Somethimg even more obscure
Windows 95
What operating system do you use?
Windows 2000
Macintosh (any OS)
Something even more obscure
Windows 95
Windows ME
Windows 3.1 (seriously, dude, get a new PC!)
If you had the choice, would you rather...
Throw your PC in front of a semi truck
Have someone from the pentagon confiscate your PC and find out what you've been
What web browser do you use?
Internet Explorer 5.0 or 5.5
Internet Explorer 4.0 or lower
Some other Netscape version
Which Image editor do you like the most?
Which Image editor do you like the most?
Adding more memory (RAM) to a computer system:
Makes the computer smarter
Provides more room for files
Which Window OS(Operating System) do you like the most?
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 98 Secound Edition
Windows Milinium
How often is your computer on?
1-3 hours a day
4-6 hours a day
Never, don't have one
less than one hour a day
What's their reaction when they see you on the PC?
Go up to you and annoy in some way
Just turn off the PC
Which most accurately descibes your respone to their reaction?
No response (used to it)
Mind your own bloody business!
Which most accurately descibes your respone to their reaction?
OK, I'll get off
Fine! I'll get off the f***ing thing for f**k sake!!
Normally, after how long on the PC, do your parents get upset?
2~3 hours
1 hour
Do you play games? If you do then what is their attitude towards games?
They say all right as long as I don't play too much
Neutral attitude
They hate games and say games are stupid
I don't play games because I don't like games
Do you play games? If you do then what is their attitude towards games?
Neutral attitude
They hate games and say games are stupid
I don't play games because I don't like games
They think games are cool and they play with me
Do you play games? If you do then what is their attitude towards games?
I don't play games because I don't like games
They think games are cool and they play with me
I'm not allowed to play games at all
Do you use the Internet? If you do then do they supervise you on the net?
I don't use the Internet because I don't have access
I'm not allowed to use the Internet
Yes, they supervise me on the net
Yes, sometimes
Last question: What point(s) of view towards computers and computer related things do you and your parents have IN COMMON?
PCs do everything for us, why do we need brains?
Technology is getting out of control
The PC is a tool, not a toy
Simply hate everything to do with computers
PCs are not necessary
PCs are too troublesome
You wrestle Britney Spears best of 5 falls.
She Wins 3 times
She wins 2 times
This poll was created on 2005-07-02 17:47:08 by mark wild