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Diaper punishment please HELP!!!!!

I Have a 18 Yr old Boy He always wants to be treated like a Baby, So i went to speak to him about it and i went into his room to find that he was wearing a nappy/diaper drinking out of a baby bottle and was dressed in Adult sized baby clothes, i want to teach him a lesson.

Should i make him Use the diaper 24/7 if yes how long for

5% (19) Yes 1 week
6% (23) Yes 2 week
2% (8) Yes 3 week
82% (275) Yes 4 week
2% (8) no

333 voters have answered this question.

I haved looked at what Adult sized baby clothes hes got and he has some PVC pants what go over the diaper (it has i chain and a padlock attached to it) should i

89% (292) Make him wear them , lock them on with padlock so that he can not take off his diaper
10% (34) make him wear them but not lock them

326 voters have answered this question.

Should i make him wear HIS Adult sized baby clothes

84% (277) Yes
15% (52) no

329 voters have answered this question.

Should i make his bed into a Cot

84% (277) Yes
15% (51) No

328 voters have answered this question.

Should i Attach a top to the cot so that he cant escape

77% (252) Yes
22% (72) no

324 voters have answered this question.

Should i make a adult sized highchair with restraints

55% (183) yes but with with restraints
31% (104) yes
12% (41) no

328 voters have answered this question.

Should i mash up his food like a baby, and should i feed him like a baby

85% (280) yes mash up food and feed him like a baby
6% (21) yes mash up food
8% (28) no to both

329 voters have answered this question.

Should i make him drink out of a baby bottle

96% (316) yes
3% (12) no

328 voters have answered this question.

Should I make him have the same bedtime and routine as my 2 year old

93% (306) yes
6% (20) no

326 voters have answered this question.

AND finally should i make him go to nursery with my 2year old (the nursery have agreed to take him and treat him like the rest)

83% (271) yes
16% (55) no

326 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-01-07 13:22:09 by mrmlhurst
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