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Helping a pet shelter?

I would like to know how much people would be interested in helping at their local pet shelter and what they think they were able to do there?
How old are you?
younger than 15
61 or older
What do you think of pet shelters?
They are all waste of time.
All the homeless animals should be put to sleep.
I don't care.
I think they are useful.
Animals should be kept there for a short time.
Animals should be kept there for as long as possible.
All the shelters are a good thing.
Have you ever helped your local (or other) pet shelter?
Yes, with money
Yes, with food
Yes, with laundry
Yes, I have taken photographs
Yes, with maintenance and repairs
Yes, with retring messages and returning calls
Yes, with filing/copying/mailing
Yes, with writing articles for newsletter
Yes, I have walked dogs
Yes, I have cared for cats
Yes, with transportation
Yes, I have fostered cats/dogs
Yes, I have sold raffle tickets
Yes, I have helped to organise events
Yes, I have designed posters
Yes, I have made craft items
Yes, I have picked up and delivered donated foods
Yes, with maintaining volunteer/phone/mailing
Yes, with cleaning
Yes, with training dogs
Yes, with helping to find new owners for animals
Yes, with providing professional help (legal services, programming skills, medical skills, administrative help, artistic services etc)
Yes, with something else (I defnitely forgot something!)
If you haven't then why? (if you have then skip the question)
I don't like animals
I don't want to help animals
I don't have enough time
There is no shelter near my home (workplace)
I don't have enough money
My family/friends would be against
I have never heard about the possibility to help
I don't like shelters
I don't like the people who work/volunteer at shelters
I am allergic to cats/dogs
I am afraid of cats/dogs
I am afraid of diseases
Other (please find the time and specify)
Do you think is voluntary help important in a pet shelter?
No, it's not
Yes, it is moderately important
Yes, it's very important
Do you own pets yourself?
Yes, dog(s)
Yes, cat(s)
Yes, hamster(s), guinea pig(s), rabbit(s)...
Yes, ferret(s)
Yes, bird(s)
Yes, horse(s)
Yes, exotic animal(s)
Yes, fish
Do you know anyone who volunteers at the shelter?
Maybe, but I am not sure
Yes, one person
Yes, a couple of persons
Yes, more than 2 persons
Yes, +10 persons
This poll was created on 2005-06-16 11:13:50 by maajake