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What Do Zoos Mean To You?

Take this short poll to enlighten your views and see how others feel about the ongoing battle with the cruelty of zoos.

What Is Your Honest Reaction When You Hear The Word Zoo?

53% (73) A fun and entertaining time
24% (34) Never give it much thought
21% (30) Couldn't catch me in such a place

137 voters have answered this question.

Do You Think Zoos Are Cruel?

24% (34) Yes
37% (52) No
37% (52) Maybe

138 voters have answered this question.

Is There Such A Thing As A Good Zoo and A Bad Zoo?

39% (55) Probably
47% (66) Definitely
12% (17) No

138 voters have answered this question.

Is Using Animals As Entertainment Ok?

52% (70) No
40% (54) Yes
7% (10) I Don't Care

134 voters have answered this question.

Do You Think Zoos Will Ever Be Outlawed?

53% (73) No Way
22% (31) I Hope So
23% (32) Maybe

136 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-07-25 23:39:46 by kamidanee
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