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Your Diet

This is a poll about your diet.
What are you?
Vegetarian (doesn't eat dead animals)
Vegan(avoids animal flesh, breastmilk or eggs)
If you are an omnivore, why do you eat animals?
Flesh is tasty.
Non-human animals are our slaves.
Animals don't feel pain.
The advertisements tell me to.
If you are a vegetarian, why do you not eat meat?
Meat = antibiotics, pesticides & growth hormones.
Because it is often contaminated with feces.
I don't want e. coli, lysteria, or salmonella.
To lower my cholesterol.
I don't support cruelty to animals.
Flesh and blood is just gross, I'm not a zombie.
Lives are more important then tastebuds.
Meat-eating's devastating to the environment.
It pollutes our water.
It contributes to poverty.
If you are vegan, why do you not drink milk or eat eggs?
I am too old to drink breastmilk.
Cow's milk is for calves.
Dairy is very cruel to animals.
Milk contains pus, and blood.
Milk is bad for your health.
Truth is it's bad for your bones.
I don't want osteoporosis!
Milk supporters support the veal industry.
Egg-laying hens are horribly mistreated.
The egg industry is unsanitary.
Each egg represents 34 hours of misery for a hen.
Have you been on any of these sites?
Which is your favourite soymilk?
So Good
I never had soymilk.
I can't drink it.
I don't like it.
Do you like veggie dogs?
Love them!
They're okay.
I hate them.
Never tried them, want to.
Never tried them, don't want to.
This poll was created on 2005-08-01 03:19:05 by Vegan Chick