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Disabled people and the Armed Forces

Should we allow people with disabilities to be employed in the UK Armed Forces ?
Should disabled people be employed in the UK Armed Forces ?
Yes, disabled people deserve full equality.
No, it would weaken our defence capability.
Only if they can still fight well.
Only in non-combat jobs within the Armed Forces.
We should disband the Armed Forces anyway.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Do you, or have you in the past, served in the Armed Forces
What is your political viewpoint?
New Labour / Social Democrat
Liberal Democrat / centrist
Left wing eg Green Party, Respect, Socialist
Right wing eg Nazi or Eurosceptic
How do you view disabled people?
Society should adapt to integrate disabled people
Disabled people should try harder to fit in
Disability should be cured
Disabled people deserve our charity
Disabled people are a drain on society
They should know their place as inferiors
Some medical conditions, such as epilepsy, diabetes and asthma, are not disabling if controlled (often by medication). Should people with such conditions be allowed to fight in the Armed Forces ?
Only if their condition is well-controlled
This poll was created on 2005-08-18 16:19:32 by respect-akp