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Mean Girls

I would like to ask you girls 18 and under if you have ever tortured an animal just for fun.
I am a girl and I have tortured an animal just for fun.
I am a girl and I have tortured a frog.
Yes, I have tortured a frog.
No, I have never tortured a frog.
I am a girl and I have tortured a cat.
Yes, I have tortured a cat.
No, I have never tortured a cat.
I am a girl and I have tortured a dog.
Yes, I have tortured a dog.
No, I have never tortured a dog.
I am a girl and I have tortured a gerbil or hamster.
Yes, I have tortured a gerbil and/or hamster.
No, I have never tortured a gerbil or hamster.
If you are a girl and have tortured any animal were you alone or with friends.
I was alone.
I was with one female friend.
I was with one male friend.
I was with two or more female friends.
I was with two or more male friends.
I was with a mixed group of friends.
I have only tortured an animal once in my life.
This describes me perfectly.
I have tortured animals on a few occasions.
I torture animals on a regular basis.
If you have tortured more than one animal was it always one particular kind of animal or did you torture other kinds of animals as well.
I have only tortured one type of animal.
I have tortured two or three kinds of animals.
What methods did you use to torture the animal or animals in question?
I hit it or them with something hard.
I set it or them on fire.
I skinned it or them.
I hung it or them.
I crucified it or them.
I crushed it or them.
I microwaved it or them.
I did something not mentioned here.
When in the midst of the act of torturing an animal, I felt ...
A great deal of satisfaction.
A great deal of anger.
Strangely numb.
A certain degree of sexual pleasure.
What country are you from?
The United States
New Zealand
What race are you?
Black from outside the U.S.A.
I am of mixed race.
I wish I had never tortured an animal.
This describes my attitude perfectly.
I feel somewhat guilty about what I did.
I feel no guilt and will go on torturing.
I will not torture any other animal, but I do not feel guilty about the animal or animals I did torture.
I was talked into the torture of an animal or animals by my MALE friends.
Yes, boys talked me into doing it.
No, I did it without any influence from boys.
No, I was talked into it by girls.
No, I did it solely because I wanted to do it.
What is your current age?
I am 18.
I am 17.
I am 16.
I am 15.
I am 14.
I am 13.
I am 12.
I am younger than 12.
The last time I tortured an animal was ...
less than a year ago.
one year or more ago.
This poll was created on 2005-08-24 20:09:11 by twitch