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John Roberts Nominated for Supreme Court

Judge John Roberts has been nominated to replace retiring Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor. I want to know what you think about this.
Do you think that Judge should be nominated for the United States Supreme Court?
Yes, the President picked him and the Senate should just confirm him
Yes, he will help put a stop to activist rulings
No, he will royally srcew up the country
No, silent nominations never turn out well
Should the Democrats try their hardest to stop his nomination?
Yes, it's their right to defend their beliefs
Yes, they have to defend against the Republican monopoly on government
No, every President since Roosevelt has gotten to pick Judges
No, the Democrats can't win any elections and should have no say
Do you hope/fear that John Roberts will become the next David Souter, who was also a stealth nomination that was supposed to be a strict constructionist but recently voted it was OK for the state to take your house away
How do you feel about Judges legislating from the bench.
They're just trying to extend the constitution's meaning for modern times
Stop trying to impose your own beliefs on us and just interpret the law!
Which of the judges on the Supreme Court do you feel are the most activist?
Stephen Breyer
Ruth Ginsburg
Clarence Thomas
David Souter
Anthony Kennedy
Anthony Scalia
Sandra Day O'Connor
John Paul Stevens
Do you think that the nominations of Federal Judges has gotten too political?
This poll was created on 2005-08-20 02:36:11 by Railroadspike15