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Cannibalism or Starvation

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Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if you survived a plane crash...only to be stranded on an uncharted desert island and all food sources were extinguished?

If you survived a plane crash and all other food sources have been extinguished, would you

68% (73) Revert to cannibalism to survive?
31% (34) Rather face starvation and BE cannibalized?

107 voters have answered this question.

If you did NOT survive a plane crash (yet remained in one piece), would you

51% (54) Prefer to be cannibalized?
31% (33) Prefer to be buried?
17% (18) Prefer to be cremated?

105 voters have answered this question.

Final question: In 1972, a planeload of South American students (and friends) went down in the Andes. The survivors reverted to cannibalism to remain alive. Do you believe what they did was right?

71% (76) Yes
14% (16) No
14% (15) Undecided

107 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-09-28 23:25:42 by Sasha_K
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