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For shy guys or any type with a crush right now!

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I'm just curious of how you guys act around your crushes and all.

How old are you?

46% (24) 10-14
42% (22) 15-18
7% (4) 20-25
3% (2) 30+

52 voters have answered this question.

What do you do to let your crush know you like her?

32% (17) I don't do anything.
39% (21) I stare a lot.
22% (12) I try to get her attention.
5% (3) I ignore purposly.

53 voters have answered this question.

Why exactly do you stare at her?

56% (30) Because she's beautiful.
5% (3) Because she's got that vibe.
16% (9) Because she's unique.
20% (11) Because i'm thinking about her at that moment.

53 voters have answered this question.

Do you plan to eventually go up and talk to her?

5% (3) No.
41% (22) Yes.
33% (18) Mabe, mabe not.
18% (10) Heck no! I'm not that confident.

53 voters have answered this question.

Do you think about her a lot?

58% (31) All the time.
7% (4) No, i've got things to do.
32% (17) Yes, but not as much.
1% (1) No, i forget about her sometimes even!

53 voters have answered this question.

Why do you like your crush?

30% (16) Because she's pretty.
59% (31) Because of her personality.
5% (3) Because she's like me.
3% (2) Because she likes me back.

52 voters have answered this question.

When talking to your friends about her, what exactly are yall talking about?

39% (18) How much you think she's pretty.
23% (11) How you think she might like you.
34% (16) Your friend is trying to encourage you to talk to her.
2% (1) How much you hate her.

46 voters have answered this question.

Why are you so afraid to talk to the girl?

23% (12) She might think i'm a loser.
47% (24) She might reject me.
27% (14) I'm not even sure.
1% (1) Cuz i'm not that much into her anyway.

51 voters have answered this question.

If you are staring cuz she's pretty, what are thinking about at that moment?

23% (12) Just how gorgeous she is.
7% (4) Sex
13% (7) Nothing........im just looking.
54% (28) How you want to be with her.

51 voters have answered this question.

Last question:Looking at a quite pretty girl, would you think she's intimidating or shy just cuz she's quiet?

41% (21) No. She might just not want to say anything at that moment.
3% (2) Yes. The quitness scares me!
33% (17) No, i like how quite she is, mysteriousness is attractive.
21% (11) I never really think about it actually, it really doesn't matter to me.

51 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-08-11 02:25:50 by Jodeci
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