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Ok, we've got almost 250,00 U.S. troops in the Middle East. We've got some support from the nations in the area. We've proven that Hussan is a certified nutcase. Now, what do we do?
What do we do at this point about Iraq?
Nothing, pull our troops out and let him alone
Go on in and take care of the sucker
Keep sitting on our hands and let the inspectors do their job
Take a break and go kick North Korea's butt
Do you believe Colin Powell's analysis of Saddam Hussan's capabilities?
If we do nothing about Hussan, what will likely happen?
Not much, he'll probably just go on as he has
He'll keep developing weapons
He'll use his weapons on someone in the area
What do we care, they're all the way on the other side of the world
We'll save a ton of money
The French will take care of Hussan
How long would it take the U.S. Military to take out Saddam Hussan?
One week
Two weeks
Three weeks
One month
Two months
Never, we can't get it done
This poll was created on 2003-02-06 19:27:57 by American