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Sleep & Dream Survey!

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A short, confidential sleep and dream survey. Please be honest in your responses!

What is your gender?

28% (410) Male
71% (1034) Female

1444 voters have answered this question.

What is your age?

0% (4) 10 or younger
5% (84) 11-13
34% (500) 14-17
33% (490) 18-25
8% (131) 26-30
9% (134) 31-40
5% (75) 41-50
2% (34) 51-60
0% (11) 60+

1463 voters have answered this question.

How many hours did you sleep last night?

0% (6) Less than 1
0% (4) 1
0% (7) 2
1% (16) 3
2% (36) 4
7% (116) 5
19% (291) 6
24% (356) 7
24% (362) 8
9% (145) 9
5% (81) 10
1% (26) 11
0% (7) 12
1% (15) More than 12

1468 voters have answered this question.

How many hours do you usually need?

0% (6) Less than 1
0% (4) 1
0% (6) 2
0% (6) 3
1% (18) 4
3% (49) 5
10% (157) 6
14% (219) 7
37% (550) 8
15% (226) 9
10% (155) 10
1% (18) 11
1% (28) 12
1% (22) More than 12

1464 voters have answered this question.

Did you dream last night?

69% (1013) Yes
10% (153) No
19% (289) Unsure

1455 voters have answered this question.

Did you have more than one distinct dream?

50% (731) Yes
49% (717) No

1448 voters have answered this question.

How many dreams did you have?

44% (612) 1
27% (384) 2
19% (266) 3
5% (81) 4
1% (20) 5
0% (5) 6
1% (21) 7

1389 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a clear memory of what at least one of your dreams was about?

64% (928) Yes
35% (521) No

1449 voters have answered this question.

Did you wake up immediately after the dream?

48% (696) Yes
51% (746) No

1442 voters have answered this question.

Did you think about the dream immediately after you woke up?

71% (1036) Yes
28% (405) No

1441 voters have answered this question.

When did the dream occur?

5% (87) Soon after you went to sleep
27% (398) In the middle of the night
25% (366) In the morning
41% (600) Unsure

1451 voters have answered this question.

Would you describe your dream as bizarre or realistic?

48% (681) Bizarre
51% (726) Realistic

1407 voters have answered this question.

Was your dream related to events of the previous day?

27% (392) Yes
72% (1013) No

1405 voters have answered this question.

Did you discover something about yourself or others through your dream?

36% (509) Yes
63% (903) No

1412 voters have answered this question.

Did your dream arouse strong emotions?

65% (926) Yes
34% (489) No

1415 voters have answered this question.

Was your dream in color?

71% (1019) Yes
5% (83) No
22% (323) Unsure

1425 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following topics were included in your dream?

21% (269) Falling or flying
29% (370) Being attacked or pursued
29% (369) Trying repeatedly to do something
26% (337) School, teachers, or studying
29% (374) Sexual experiences
11% (145) Arriving too late
11% (141) Eating
8% (107) Being frozen with fright
14% (187) The death of a loved one
8% (113) Being locked up
6% (78) Finding money
10% (129) Swimming
5% (71) Snakes
6% (87) Being inappropriately dressed
4% (59) Being smothered
7% (92) Being nude in public
5% (67) Fire
5% (65) Failing an examination
7% (93) Seeing self as dead
9% (116) Killing someone

1256 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-11-07 19:40:53 by placeboasis
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