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How computers affect your life

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I am doing a survay on how computers are effecting the lives of people in the United States

How often do you use a computer?

49% (115) 5 hours or more a day
29% (68) 3 hours or more
24% (58) 1 hour or more
0% (2) I dont use the computer

234 voters have answered this question.

How influential is the computer in your life?

88% (203) very
11% (27) not so much

229 voters have answered this question.

WHat do you mostly use a computer for

31% (74) music
32% (76) games
27% (64) work
33% (79) research
57% (136) all of the above

237 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-11-29 16:14:39 by dudeeee
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