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Moral issues and Politics

what is right and wrong

The Death Penalty?

48% (115) Yes
36% (87) No
15% (37) Undecided

239 voters have answered this question.


49% (115) Right
29% (68) Wrong
21% (49) Undecided

232 voters have answered this question.

Assisted suicide should be?

32% (78) A criminal offense
55% (132) Not a criminal offense
11% (28) Undecided

238 voters have answered this question.


42% (103) Yes
32% (77) No
25% (60) Depends

240 voters have answered this question.

Should the parents have the right to abort after 6 months?

18% (44) Yes
64% (153) No
17% (41) Depends

238 voters have answered this question.

Do Homosexuals have the right to get married?

54% (130) Yes
40% (96) No
5% (14) Undecided

240 voters have answered this question.

Cross Dressing?

26% (62) Right
34% (81) Wrong
4% (11) Undecided
35% (83) No Opinion

237 voters have answered this question.


45% (108) Right - its just a freedom of speech
31% (74) Wrong - Totally evil
18% (44) Depends
4% (11) Undecided

237 voters have answered this question.

Should parents have the right to Spank?

47% (113) Yes - children need it
18% (44) No - a form of abuse
28% (67) Depends
5% (14) Undecided

238 voters have answered this question.

Teen Gun violence, how to solve the problem?

13% (32) use capital punishment more often
19% (47) longer jail terms
37% (89) more social programs
29% (70) other

238 voters have answered this question.

is Pre-marital sex wrong?

31% (75) Yes, always is
13% (32) Yes, unless it is done in a safe way
54% (129) No

236 voters have answered this question.

Guns, do people have the right to own them?

70% (167) Yes
20% (49) No
8% (21) Undecided

237 voters have answered this question.

Guns - should hunters be allowed to have and use them?

77% (184) Yes
16% (39) No
5% (13) Undecided

236 voters have answered this question.

Do polygamist groups (like the 'Morman' ones in Colorado)have the right to exist?

25% (59) I am a Christain - yes they have the right to exist
20% (48) I am a Christain - NO they should not exist
36% (85) I am a non-Christain - Yes they have the right to exist
6% (16) I am a non-Christian - No they do not have the right to exist
10% (25) Undecided

233 voters have answered this question.

Do cults of any religion or group have the right to exist?

53% (123) Yes
18% (43) No
23% (54) Depends
5% (12) Undecided

232 voters have answered this question.

Is war for the right reasons, just?

68% (161) Yes
22% (53) No
8% (20) Undecided

234 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following wars was just?

18% (120) World War 1
25% (168) World War 2
7% (49) The Vietnam War
16% (107) The 1ST Gulf War
15% (104) War in Afghanistan
9% (62) War in Iraq
7% (52) None of them was just

662 voters have answered this question.

When should America pull out of Iraq?

36% (86) They have to pull out NOW
34% (82) When a democratic government can stand on its own
7% (18) When the insurgancy is finaly crushed
2% (6) they should never pull out
18% (43) I don't know when they should pull out

235 voters have answered this question.

What should be done if Iran obtains 'weapons of mass destruction'?

27% (62) The UN should pose economical sanctions
4% (9) The USA should pose economical sanctions
13% (31) The UN should go to war
9% (20) The USA should go to war
7% (16) they already have the weapons, the UN should place sanctions ASAP
3% (7) They already have the weapons, the USA should place sanctions ASAP
3% (8) They already have the weapons, the UN should go to war
2% (5) they already have the weapons, the USA should go to war
12% (27) Nothing should be done
16% (37) Other

222 voters have answered this question.

Do you think Isreal and Palistine will ever reach a long lasting peace?

12% (28) Yes, deff, its only a matter of time
51% (119) No, they will never reach long lasting peace
31% (74) I have no idea
5% (12) Other

233 voters have answered this question.

If Osama Bin Laden is caught what should be done to him?

46% (109) He should DIE
32% (76) He should be sentenced to prison and stay there until he dies
0% (1) He should be sentenced to prison for 25 yrs
0% (1) He should be sentenced to prison for less than 25 yrs
2% (5) Nothing should be done to him
17% (42) Nothing will happen to him cause he won't get caught

234 voters have answered this question.

Seperation of church and state?

69% (165) Yes
22% (52) No
8% (19) Undecided

236 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following is the correct way to govern a country?

42% (98) Democracy (as what Canada and Britain have)
39% (91) Republic (as what the USA has)
0% (2) Theocracy
3% (7) Authoritarian
0% (2) Totalitarian
1% (4) Communist
12% (28) Other

232 voters have answered this question.

Where did morality come from?

33% (79) God
15% (37) Religion
2% (5) Science
31% (74) Natural process of evolution
17% (41) Other

236 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-11-19 19:26:37 by david19008
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