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White Population Decline

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I just found out the world's white population is dropping fast. I really had no idea until I started reading about it a few days ago. In 1900 about 33% of all humans were of white European descent. Today they are only about 16%. IF BIRTHRATES DON'T RISE, they will be less than 3% of the world population in 2100 and who knows after that. In some European nations, less than 1 white child is being born per couple every generation on average instead of 2.1 which would keep the population level. Imagine that, the white populations of these countries will cut in half every 25 years or so if nothing changes. Even in America the white birthrate is less than 2. The reason these nations' populations are still rising is because of rapidly-multiplying non-white immigrants and children. What would happen if the race that has contributed the most to the scientific/cultural advancement of humanity vanishes? I'm not saying with any certainty that's going to happen, as the future is extremely unpredictable in this modern age, and I don't want to freak out/scare anyone, but everyone should be aware of this situation.

Did you have any idea this was happenning?

83% (828) Yes
16% (165) No

993 voters have answered this question.

What's your reaction to this situation?

59% (597) It's horrible... something needs to be done.
10% (101) It's kinda sad I guess.
11% (110) I really don't care.
16% (166) I'm actually glad this is happening.
2% (23) I'm skeptical/in denial (check the facts yourself)

997 voters have answered this question.

If you're white, are you gonna do anything about it?!?

37% (369) I'm gonna tell others about this because most people have no idea.
33% (329) I'm gonna have plenty of kids and help reverse the decline.
16% (160) Nope, I'm just gonna let us die out.
11% (118) Other
20% (199) I'm not white.

994 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-12-03 21:30:58 by ESB
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