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Shivering Isles; Includes Mazken vs Aureals

This poll's about Shivering Isles, the expansion of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, in case you haven't figured yet.
What's your opinion about Shivering?
Very good
Very bad
#%#%*@(#%*-ly bad!
Way too overpriced
Just the right price
Very cheap
Better than the original Oblivion?
Much better quality
Better quality
The same
Worse quality
Much worse quality
How about its placement amongst the entire Elder Scrolls series?
The best!
Amongst the best
Amongst the worst
The worst!
Did you enjoy Dawnfang/Duskfang?
Extraordinarily much!
Yes, but that weapon is too imbalancedly good.
Not that interesting, but it's OK.
My dog would have come with a better sword.
Swords aren't my thing.
About when have you figured that Sheogorath=Jyggalag?
Right from the start!
Soon enough
About in the middle
Nearing the end
Only when Sheogorath himself told me
I couldn't make sense of what Sheo said, but Haskiil explained me this thing afterwards.
Order and Obelisks vs Mehrunes Dagon and Oblivion Gates
Order's funnier!
Order could be more varied.
Pretty much the same.
I hate them both.
Who's prettier? Golden Saints (Aureals) or Dark Seducers (Mazken)? (clothes included)
The Aureals are so nice and cute that I'd had fallen in love immediately if it weren't a game... *sigh*
Aureals are prettier, but I've seen better women
Pretty much the same - mediocre
Dark Seducers have seduced me
When I see a Dark Seducer, I immediately feel a STRONG urge related to them.
Mania or Dementia
Cyrodiil all the way!
Were you surprised that you still must pay reparations even when you're Sheogorath?
I was too dizzy after the unexpectet promotion to Madgod to wonder about this
Did you find the need to return home to dump your collections annoying (since there's so much walking to be done until there)?
I don't collect things
For those who had a Sentient Weapon: Did you give it away for Dawnfang or not?
I kept the Sentient Weapon, it's funnier
I took Dawnfang/Duskfang, it's better
I took Dawnfang/Duskfang, I like it more
This poll was created on 2007-04-17 20:33:53 by Mucahit Biner