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your opinion on tipping and who tips better

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Bascially this site is about your opinion about tipping and you will also have to analize situations. I deliver pizza and did an experiment and want to know if what i found in my experiments are the same as what you guys think.

First of all do you tip yourself?

89% (26) Yes
10% (3) No

29 voters have answered this question.

Do you know what a tip is?

100% (29) Yes
0% (0) No

29 voters have answered this question.

How much do you usually tip the pizza delivery driver (if you order delivery)

3% (1) 1.00
17% (5) 2.00
6% (2) 3.00
20% (6) 4.00
41% (12) 5.00
0% (0) 6.00
3% (1) 7.00 or more
6% (2) I dont tip

29 voters have answered this question.

who tips better?

85% (23) Americans
14% (4) Canaidans

27 voters have answered this question.

What race tips better?

71% (23) Whites
6% (2) Blacks
12% (4) Hispanics
0% (0) French
9% (3) Asians
0% (0) Indians

32 voters have answered this question.

what race tips worse?

68% (22) Blacks
6% (2) Hispanics
3% (1) French
12% (4) Asians
6% (2) Indians
3% (1) Whites

32 voters have answered this question.

What income bracket tips better?

7% (2) Rich
46% (13) Upper middle class
35% (10) Middle class
10% (3) Working class
0% (0) Poor

28 voters have answered this question.

according to my findings, this certain race/sex tips the worse, who is it?

11% (3) White males
14% (4) White females
40% (11) Black males
33% (9) Black females

27 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that the distant that the deliver driver drives should have an impact on how much they get tipped?

42% (12) Yes because they have to drive farther
25% (7) No, they should get tipped by percentage
28% (8) Inever really thought about that/dont pay attent No because I just tip the driver a certain amount
3% (1) No because I dont tip

28 voters have answered this question.

Only answer this question if you never thought about tipping a driver by distance: Would you consider tipping a driver because of distance?

63% (14) Yes
36% (8) No

22 voters have answered this question.

Has a driver ever been rude to you because you didn't tip or the driver didn't like the tip?

10% (3) Yes
89% (26) No

29 voters have answered this question.

Has a driver ever stolen anything from your yard because of bad tipping or just because?

96% (28) No
3% (1) Yes because of bad/no tipping
0% (0) Yes just because but i tipped good

29 voters have answered this question.

what do you think is a good tip?

3% (1) 1.00
3% (1) 2.00
17% (5) 3.00
7% (2) 4.00
39% (11) 5.00
3% (1) 6.00
25% (7) 7.00

28 voters have answered this question.

what do you think is an average tip?

10% (3) 1.00
28% (8) 2.00
35% (10) 3.00
3% (1) 4.00
10% (3) 5.00
10% (3) 6.00

28 voters have answered this question.

would you perfer a system where the tips are included?

25% (7) yes because it would be fair to everyone
66% (18) no because i want to tip according to service
7% (2) no because i dont want the price go up/i dont tip

27 voters have answered this question.

If you order a 100.00 order for pizza, how much would you tip?

6% (2) no tip
13% (4) over 20%
41% (12) 20%
10% (3) 15%
20% (6) 10%
3% (1) 7.00
0% (0) 6.00
3% (1) 5.00
0% (0) 4.00
0% (0) 3.00
0% (0) 2.00
0% (0) 1.00

29 voters have answered this question.

do you tip a driver more because its raining or snowing?

78% (22) Yes
21% (6) No

28 voters have answered this question.

If the driver get there earlier, would you tip more or less?

57% (16) I would tip the same
42% (12) I would tip more because I got the food quicker
0% (0) I would tip less I would not have the $ available

28 voters have answered this question.

would you tip the driver more or less when the food is late?

14% (4) Yes because I have the money ready
42% (12) No because its late and im unhappy
39% (11) I would tip the same
3% (1) I dont tip period!

28 voters have answered this question.

What do you think about this poll?

44% (13) Its something that needs to be discusssed
10% (3) Its dumb
17% (5) Its well thought out
10% (3) Its racist!
17% (5) I never knew tipping could be such a science!!

29 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2005-12-12 17:56:50 by jameswilson7772000
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