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Assorted Funny Bathroom Moments

This is another poll about how even when you do the most repetitive, normal thing you can do, all kinds of things can go awry, in hilarious ways...and boys, since I don't know what goes on w/ guys in bathrooms, some things in this poll might seem strange to you...or disturbing...
Have you ever dropped anything in the toilet accidentally?
Several times
Have you ever sat down on the toilet with the seat up & fallen in?
Several times
Which of the following pratical jokes have been played on you when you were using the toilet or about to? Check all the ones that have...
Shaving cream on toilet seat
Icy hot on toilet seat
Glue on toilet seat
Saran wrap on toilet seat
Ball thrown over top of stall at me
Paper airplane thrown over top of stall at me
Toilet seat left up in public restroom
Sticky film pic on toilet paper to scare me
Pic left floating in toilet to scare me
Action figure left in toilet to scare me
Message written on toilet paper about me
Graffiti in stall about me
Which of the following pratical jokes have been played by you when someone was using the toilet or about to? Check all the ones that you've done...
Shaving cream on toilet seat
Icy hot on toilet seat
Glue on toilet seat
Saran wrap on toilet seat
Ball thrown over top of stall at them
Paper airplane thrown over top of stall at them
Toilet seat left up in public restroom
Sticky film pic on toilet paper to scare them
Pic left floating in toilet to scare them
Action figure left in toilet to scare them
Message written on toilet paper about them
Graffiti in stall about them
Which of the following weird things have you seen in a public restroom toilet that you peed on & flushed?
A cheap necklace
A cheap bracelet
A cheap ring
An expensive looking necklace
An expensive looking bracelet
An expensive looking ring
A wallet size picture of somebody
An engagement ring
A class ring
A ripped up picture of someone
A toy car
A doll
An action figure
A book
A magazine
A wallet size picture carrier full of pics
Several wallet size pics
A folded up pic
ID card
Assorted purse junk
4 x 6 picture
Make-up compact
Lip Gloss
Eyeliner pencil
Hair Brush
Cell phone
A pencil
A pen
Which of the following weird things have you seen in a public restroom toilet that you pooped on & flushed?
A cheap necklace
A cheap bracelet
A cheap ring
An expensive looking necklace
An expensive looking bracelet
An expensive looking ring
A wallet size picture of somebody
An engagement ring
A class ring
A ripped up picture of someone
A toy car
A doll
An action figure
A book
A magazine
A wallet size picture carrier full of pics
Several wallet size pics
A folded up pic
ID card
Assorted purse junk
4 x 6 picture
Make-up compact
Lip Gloss
Eyeliner pencil
Hair Brush
Cell phone
A pencil
A pen
If you've ever sat down on the toilet with the seat up when your friends were there, what did your friends do when you fell in?
They laughed, then helped me get out of the bowl
They laughed and left me there!
They tried to flush me!
They acted like they were about to use the toilet
They just helped me out of the bowl
If you've ever seen your friends sit down on the toilet with the seat up, what did you do when they fell in?
Laughed, and then helped them out of the bowl
Just helped them out of the bowl
Flushed the toilet as soon as I knew they fell in
Acted like I was about to use the toilet on them
Walked out laughing
Which of the following items would you rescue if you dropped them in the toilet bowl, if you knew they wouldn't clog it? Check all that apply
A cheap necklace
A cheap bracelet
A cheap ring
An expensive necklace
An expensive bracelet
An expensive ring
A wallet size picture
My engagement ring
My class ring
My wallet size picture carrier full of my pics
Several of my wallet size pics
My ID card
Assorted purse junk
My make-up
If you're friend's ever found something sentimental like a picture or something like that, what was your vote on what they did with it?
Turn it in
Flush it!
Throw that away!
Let me flush it!
Use the toilet on it!
Let me use the toilet on it!
Did they wind up doing what you voted?
Yes, they turned it in
No, they turned it in
Yes, they flushed it
No, they flushed it
Yes, they threw it away
No, they threw it away
Yes, they let me flush it
Yes, they used the toilet on it
Yes, they let me use the toilet on it
I wanted to use the toilet on it, but they did it
If you ever been in a public restroom where someone had dropped something valuable in the toilet & people were asking who's it was, what eventually happened to the valuable item in the toilet?
The owner said "Just flush it"
They never found the owner, and it got flushed
The owner rescued it
The owner got a janitor
Someone flushed it
I flushed it
Someone used the toilet on it
I used the toilet on it
If you've ever seen a pic glued to the toilet paper in a public restroom, what did you do?
Dropped the t.p. on the floor
Folded the pic into the wad & turned it yellow
Laughed, then used it
Showed it to my friends, then trashed it
Laughed, then trashed it
Showed it to my friends, then used it
Trashed it
Dropped it in the toilet
Folded it so the pic was on top, then made it brown
Folded it so the pic wasn't on top, then used it
Folded the pic into the wad & turned it brown
Folded the pic into the wad & turned it red
Showed it to my friends, then flushed it
Showed it to my friends, then they used it
Showed it to my friends, then they flushed it
Folded it so the pic was on top, then made it red
Folded it so the pic was on top, then made it ylo
If you've ever dropped something in the toilet on accident before you used it, did you flush it first or use the toilet on what you'd dropped?
Flushed it first
Used the toilet on it, then flushed it
If you have small trash that you have to toss while you're in the bathroom, do you put in the trash or flush it?
In the trash
In the toilet, but I don't use the toilet on it
I throw it in, use the toilet on it, and flush it
All of the above
If you've ever had someone ask you to flush a picture for them since you had to use the toilet any ways, did you really do it?
Shhh! No, I actually burned it
After I showed it to all my friends
No, I threw it away in the gross stall trash
Yep, I did
I did, and I even peed on it!
I did, and I even pooped on it!
I did, and I even changed my tampon on it!
I gave it to one of my friends to flush it
I threw it in the toilet that my friend just used
I threw it in right before my friend sat down
Which of the following weird things have you seen in a public restroom toilet that you changed your tampon or pad on & flushed?
A cheap necklace
A cheap bracelet
A cheap ring
An expensive looking necklace
An expensive looking bracelet
An expensive looking ring
A wallet size picture of somebody
An engagement ring
A class ring
A ripped up picture of someone
A toy car
A doll
An action figure
A book
A magazine
A wallet size picture carrier full of pics
Several wallet size pics
A folded up pic
ID card
Assorted purse junk
4 x 6 picture
Make-up compact
Lip Gloss
Eyeliner pencil
Hair Brush
Cell phone
A pencil
A pen
If you've seen a picture in the toilet when you have to do more than pee, did that change what you did?
Yes, I changed stalls then
Nope, I still changed stalls, like I would if I had 2 pee
Yes, I'd flush it out of my way then
Nope, I still flushed it out of my way, like I would if I had 2 pee
I've used the toilet on pics both ways
Depends; I'd poo on it, but not change my tampon
Depends; I'd change my tampon, but not poo on it
I went ahead, but only b/c it was an auto-flush
I went ahead, but only b/c the restroom was busy
2 b nicer, I traded stalls w/ sum1 that had 2 pee
All it changed was that I laughed even harder
I tried 2 b nice and flush the pic 1st, but...
If someone told you that there was something valuable or sentimental, like a ring or a picture in one of the toilets in a public bathroom, would that make you more or less likely to use that stall?
More likely; that would be fun to get to do!
Less likely; That's mean!
I'd use that stall if no others were open, only
It'd be the same for me
If you've ever dropped anything in an autoflush toilet by accident, were you able to save it?
Yes, I was fast enough to catch it as it flushed
No, I didn't know I dropped it until it was 2 L8
Yes, it was too big to flush
No, and I had to sit there, knowing it was gone.
Didn't try
Nope, I tried and didn't catch it b4 it went down
Yes, I reached down and saved it b4 I got up
No, I was trying but that made the flusher go off
What all have you found in a public restroom that belonged to someone else and thrown in the toilet?
A cheap necklace
A cheap bracelet
A cheap ring
An expensive looking necklace
An expensive looking bracelet
An expensive looking ring
A wallet size picture of somebody
An engagement ring
A class ring
A ripped up picture of someone
A toy car
A doll
An action figure
A book
A magazine
A wallet size picture carrier full of pics
Several wallet size pics
A folded up pic
ID card
Assorted purse junk
4 x 6 picture
Make-up compact
Lip Gloss
Eyeliner pencil
Hair Brush
Cell phone
A pencil
A pen
This poll was created on 2005-12-18 12:51:28 by precocious52590