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The Supernatural

What do you beleive in? This world is full of mystery.

Do you beleive in heaven and hell?

51% (113) Yes
25% (55) No
9% (20) Heavan but not hell
1% (3) Hell but not heavan
12% (27) Undecided

218 voters have answered this question.

Do you beleive their is one god and satan?

49% (100) Yes
24% (49) No
11% (23) God but not satan
2% (5) Satan but not God
11% (24) Undecided

201 voters have answered this question.

Do you beleive their are such things as ghosts/spirits?

73% (148) Yes
17% (36) No
8% (17) Undecided

201 voters have answered this question.

Do you beleive in the supernatural and paramormal?

76% (149) Yes
17% (34) No
6% (13) Undecided

196 voters have answered this question.

Do you beleive in the extraterrestrial, life beyond our world?

39% (78) Yes
11% (22) No
39% (78) Surely we can't be the only living creatures in this universe?
11% (22) Undecided

200 voters have answered this question.

Wow I see its getting a little bit tense in the message area. Don't freak out if you are a science geek. I'm not saying I believe in all this stuff but people do you know and they have every right to. Otherwise how boring would this world be without a bit of spooks and mysteries.

0% (0) I loved this poll
0% (0) It is ok
0% (0) No way man im a true fact sorta person

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-01-30 06:56:38 by fadabuwaju
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