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Why, when and where do boys go shirtless?
This poll is to find out why, when and where boys generally take their shirts off.
Are you male?
No (please leave)
How old are you?
under 11
over 20 (please leave)
Do you ever go shirtless in public?
If so, what is usually the main reason for this?
To cool down
It's less sweaty
I can move more easily
I like the feeling of the warm sun on my chest
To get a tan
To fit in with others (i.e. friends go shirtless first)
To show off my body
Never thought about it - just what boys do when it's hot, same as wearing shorts
Which of the following applies the most?
I take my shirt off as soon as I'm hot
I wait until my shirt is soaked in sweat before taking it off
I wait until someone I'm with takes their shirt off before doing the same
I take my shirt off only for swimming
I never take my shirt off
Are you comfortable being shirtless in front of your mother?
Are you comfortable being shirtless in front of your father?
Are you comfortable being shirtless in front of your sister(s)?
Are you comfortable being shirtless in front of your brother(s)?
Are you comfortable being shirtless in front of your male friends/peers?
Yes, regardless
Only those whom I know well
Are you comfortable being shirtless in front of your female friends/peers?
Yes, regardless
Only those whom I know well
You go to the beach on a hot day with family. Do you take your shirt off?
Definitely, straight away
Only if I got very hot later
Only if to swim in the sea
Only when sunbathing
Only if running around
You go to the beach on a hot day with friends. Do you take your shirt off?
Definitely, straight away
Only if some friends were already shirtless
Only if I got very hot later
Only if to swim in the sea
Only when sunbathing
Only if running around
You're casually playing football ('soccer' to Americans) in the park with friends and you get hot. Do you take your shirt off?
Yes, definitely
I'd be shirtless already, before letting myself get too hot
Only if some friends were already shirtless
I'd wait until my shirt was soaked in sweat
You're playing a friendly game of tennis and you get hot. Do you take your shirt off?
Yes, definitely
I'd already be shirtless before allowing myself to get too hot
Only if my opponent was already shirtless
Only if my opponent has his shirt on
I'd wait until my shirt was soaked with sweat
I'd wait until I'd finished playing and take my shirt off then
You're walking along the pavement/sidewalk outside on a hot day. Might you take your shirt off?
In most cases, yes
More likely to if with family
More likely to if with friends
More likely to if with all males
More likely to if with all females
More likely to if alone
Which applies the best to you?
I'm muscular and often shirtless outside
I'm muscular and occasionally shirtless outside
I'm muscular an never shirtless outside
I'm thin and often shirtless outside
I'm thin and occasionally shirtless outside
I'm thin and never shirtless outside
I'm fat and often shirtless outside
I'm fat and occasionally shirtless outside
I'm fat and never shirtless outside
Do you parents encourage you to take your shirt off when you're hot?
They encourage me, so I do
They encourage me, but I don't
They discourage me, so I don't
They discourage me, but I often anyway in front of them
They discourage me, so I only do it when they're not around
They don't comment either way, but I do
They don't comment, but I don't
I'm frightened of what they'd say/think if I did, so I don't
I'm frightened of what they'd say/think if I didn't, so I do
Does your mother ever comment on your muscles?
Yes, but I don't mind at all
Yes, but it's embarrassing
No, but she knows I'm muscular and often sees me shirtless
No, because I'm not muscular
Does your father ever comment on your muscles?
Yes, but I don't mind at all
Yes, but it's embarrassing
No, but he knows I'm muscular and often sees me shirtless
No, because I'm not muscular
What do you usually do with your shirt once you've taken it off when you're outside?
Throw it onto the ground to collect later
Tie it around my waist
Tuck it into my trousers/shorts
Hang it over my shoulder(s)
Tie it around my neck
Put it in a bag
Leave it on a chair or something to collect later
I usually pull it backwards over my head so that it's still on my arms, even though my chest is exposed
Where do you live?
United Kingdom
United States
New Zealand
South Africa
Latin America
Elsewhere in Europe
Elsewhere in Asia
Elsewhere in Africa
Once you've taken your shirt off, when is it likely to go back on?
My shirt comes off only for a quick cool-down and then goes back on
My shirt comes off for sport and goes back on when I've finished
As soon as it's cool enough
As soon as I feel too cold without it
When others in my group put theirs back on
When I'm told to put it back on
This poll was created on 2006-01-02 23:01:18 by
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