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have you have climbed on top of a car?

are you male or female?
have you climbed on top of a car?
if yes, what parts of the car did you climb on?
roof of car
trunk lid
what all did you do on the car?
sat on it
stood on it
jumped on it
danced on it
was the car moving?
Yes, it was moving fast
Yes, it was moving slowly
No, it wasn't moving
were you wearing shoes while you were on the car?
Yes, high heels
Yes, sandels/flip-flops
Yes, Tennis shoes
No, i was barefoot
who's car was it?
my boyfriend/girlfriends car
it was my car
a friends car
i have no idea whos car it was
why were you climbing on the car?
i was asked to
just for fun
i was trying to reach somthing high up
i was washing the car
did you make any dents in the car?
if yes, where?
on the hood
on the roof of the car
on the trunk lid
This poll was created on 2010-09-24 05:45:00 by rockslide91