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Food and Everyday Life

Food plays an important part in daily life. It provides us physical satisfaction, energy. What does it tell you? Does it remind you of something you've done before? Or does it hint at the culture that made it? Do you want to ask for a recipe? Does it make you imagine you're in a grander place than you are? Please tell us your opinion. If one of your choices was "Other", please email us at: sfgatestudents48@yahoo.com

What does food communicate to you?

8% (5) I think I'm in a grander place than I am.
22% (13) I think of the culture that made it.
14% (8) I think of something that I have done before.
14% (8) I want to ask for the recipe.
19% (11) I take in how poor or rich it tastes.
21% (12) Other

57 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-02-28 00:02:05 by SanteFeGATEStudent
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