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I revised the Ten Commandments

Tell me what you think... I threw out all of that other stuff and kept it down to the bare minimum... My "Three Commandments."
Here are my Three Commandments: 1) 'Thou shalt not hurt anyone intentionally, for any reason.' 2) 'Thou shalt take responsibility for thy actions.' 3) 'Thou shalt show respect to everyone and expect it in return.' I feel that if there is actually a 'God,' this is what Christianity/Catholicism/Islam/Judaism intends anyway. What do you think?
I am Christian and offended by the suggestion. Leave God's Commandments alone.
I am not Christian, and this is how I try to live my life anyway.
I am Christian and this is how I try to live my life.
This poll was created on 2006-01-05 21:25:02 by Walt Whitman