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What are elves like?

There are several completely different approaches concerning the character and nature of elves in myths as well as in fantasy.
Character: Elves are...
naughty, cheery beings playing tricks on people, but not bad
silent beings that hide people, are afraid of them
wise, frienly and helpful to people
mean and nasty, really bad
Body shape: OK, guess we all agree about the pointy ears, but what about the size? Elves are...
gracile undersized beings, maybe with little wings
dwarf sized
human sized, but more gracile anyway
taller than humans
human shaped
Elves are more...
Nature spirits, pixies & fairies
Of the 'santas little helper' - type
When you imagine an elvish being, it tends to be...
When you imagine an elvish being, it tends to have...
brown hair
brunette (dark brown) hair
dark blonde hair
blonde hair
black hair
auburn / red hair
silver hair
Elves wear...
Not much, pixie-like clothes rarely cover their bareness
Ancient-german-like clothes, fur and skin etc.
Clothes made of natural sources, e.g. leaves, green stuff
Warrior outfits, chainmail, armor, swords etc.
White robes, gracile silver jewellery etc.
Imagine a winter scenery with snow etc., what footwear would an elve feature?
Common boots
Pointed shoes
Bare feet
Bare feet with anklets, toe rings etc.
Overall, what which word describes elves best (choose two):
This poll was created on 2006-02-09 11:11:38 by stephanie t.