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losing shoes (guys only)

This is a poll specifically for guys who have lost shoes or have gotten them stolen.
How old are you
21 and over
What kind of shoes and socks do you wear?
Dress shoes and socks
Casual shoes and socks
Sneakers/trainers and athletic socks
Sandals/flip flops with no socks
Have you lost both shoes, or just one shoe?
Left shoe
Right shoe
Both shoes
Don't remember which
If you lost one shoe, what did you do with the other one?
Kept wearing it
Took it off
Where have you lost a shoe?
anywhere in school
restaurants/food places
movie theater
mall/shopping area
friends house
How have you lost your shoe(s)?
kicked my shoes off and kicked them too far
other guys kicked my shoes away
guys came and pulled them off your feet
purposefully kicked them away
had my shoes off and another guy put them on
shoe fell off while walking
took them off and couldn't find them
someone took them and threw them away
How long were you without shoes?
less than an hour
1-3 hours
6-12 hours
1 day
a few days
a week
more than a week
never got them back
Please share a story about a time you lost your shoes or had them stolen.
This poll was created on 2011-01-03 06:18:05 by Gfire