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stronger than fahter

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Are you strongher than your father?

Your sex?

41% (44) male
58% (62) female

106 voters have answered this question.

How old are you? (only guys)

33% (26) <15
15% (12) 15-17
20% (16) 18-20
14% (11) 20-25
16% (13) 25<

78 voters have answered this question.

How old are you? (only girls)

54% (38) <15
25% (18) 15-17
14% (10) 18-20
4% (3) 20-25
1% (1) 25<

70 voters have answered this question.

Are you stronger than father? (only guys)

18% (13) much stronger
18% (13) stronger
23% (16) similar
14% (10) weaker
24% (17) much weaker

69 voters have answered this question.

Are you stronger than father? (only girls)

60% (43) much stronger
28% (20) stronger
4% (3) similar
4% (3) weaker
2% (2) much weaker

71 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-03-01 21:47:55 by lacek
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