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Harmless Pranks

Just about everyone has had a prank or two pulled on them at sometime, including me. After all I have been through middle school, high school and a little college, and I am not a geek or a weirdo, just another fairly normal, fairly attractive person. Along the way I've seen and heard about a few pranks, and got a pretty good one myself once. (Maybe I'll tell you sometime.) I'm not talking about sick stuff and I don't want to hear any. But most pranks are pretty questionable, as they do usually involve a little embarassment right? Some people would laugh some pranks off, and others would get really offended at others. And sometimes someone pulls a prank thinking it's funny but the person getting pranked might not. And I have not been a part of some pranks that some people might have and do not know how some people think about them. So I made this poll about some of the pranks I've heard of just to get your opinion. Like I said, some is questionable, but try to keep it clean.
A pretty simple one to start. What is your general attitude twards pranking?
I love pranks, I do them and get them all the time.
Pranks are pretty funny.
Pranks can be funny if done in fun.
Fun so long as it doesn't happen to me.
Some pranks can be offensive.
Nobody better play a prank on me.
Prank #1 Just plain tripping someone.
Harmless and funny? (As long as not hurt?)
No not funny.
This poll was created on 2006-03-06 07:33:44 by Jackie878