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girls wrestling boys

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Can girls beat boys in wrestling, play fighting?

Girls only: Have you ever wrestled with a boy?

80% (549) Yes and I won
12% (85) Yes and I lost
6% (47) No

681 voters have answered this question.

Boys only: Have you ever wresled a girl?

27% (308) Yes and I won
62% (707) Yes and I lost
10% (124) No

1139 voters have answered this question.

Girls only: How did you win?

44% (272) Pinned him down
33% (206) Made him submit
8% (51) got him in a hold
14% (87) Tickled him

616 voters have answered this question.

Boys only: How did you win?

38% (194) Pinned her down
19% (98) Made her submit
15% (79) Put her in a hold
25% (127) Tickled her

498 voters have answered this question.

Girls only: Can girls beat boys?

36% (248) Yes sometimes
54% (366) Yes most of the time
4% (29) No never
4% (29) Not a chance

672 voters have answered this question.

Boys only: Can girls beat boys?

45% (500) Yes sometimes
39% (437) Yes most of the time
14% (161) No never

1098 voters have answered this question.

Who is the stronger sex?

46% (573) Boys
53% (671) Girls

1244 voters have answered this question.

girls only: What is your age?

28% (199) 10 to 13
37% (257) 14 to 17
16% (116) 17 to 20
17% (122) older than 20

694 voters have answered this question.

Boys only: What is your age?

15% (168) 10 to 13
31% (343) 14 to 17
16% (177) 18 to 20
36% (395) older than 20

1083 voters have answered this question.

Girls only: What would be your favorite test of strength be with a boy?

5% (41) Weight lifting
13% (94) arm wrestling
6% (46) leg wrestling
12% (84) tickling
61% (424) wrestling

689 voters have answered this question.

Boys only: What would be your favorite test of strength be with a girl?

7% (86) weight lifting
16% (174) arm wrestling
4% (45) leg wrestling
9% (105) tickling
62% (674) wrestling

1084 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-05-18 01:53:40 by robertol7
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