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Teen Hygeine

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Do you brush your teeth twice a day?

47% (51) Yes
32% (35) No, once a day
2% (3) No, more than twice
16% (18) No, I don't

107 voters have answered this question.

How often do you shower?

13% (15) Every few days
32% (35) Everyday
8% (9) 2x a day
17% (19) Every week
9% (10) A few times a week
10% (11) Every other day
8% (9) Twice a month

108 voters have answered this question.

Longest w/o a shower?

23% (25) 2 days
10% (11) 3 days
6% (7) 4 days
16% (18) A week
7% (8) A week and a half
12% (14) 2 weeks
10% (11) 3 weeks
12% (14) more

108 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wash your hair?

61% (66) Every Shower
23% (25) Every other Shower
15% (17) Less

108 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wash your body?

69% (76) Always (when showering)
22% (25) Sometimes
7% (8) Never

109 voters have answered this question.

Do you neglect your feets' hygiene?

32% (34) Yes
17% (19) Usually
18% (20) Sometimes
31% (33) No

106 voters have answered this question.

Do you look forward to a shower?

47% (51) Yes
52% (57) No

108 voters have answered this question.

Be honest, how often do you shower when you don't go out?

24% (27) Everyday
22% (24) Every other day
13% (15) Every few days
18% (20) Every week
21% (23) Every two weeks

109 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-03-13 19:23:01 by mmmdonuts75
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