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Child Abuse

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Sophomore project poll.

What gender are you?

60% (25) male
39% (16) female

41 voters have answered this question.

Do you consider child abuse a world problem?

61% (26) yes
38% (16) no

42 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been abused as a child?

51% (21) yes
48% (20) no

41 voters have answered this question.

Do you know anyone who has ever been abused?

73% (30) yes
26% (11) no

41 voters have answered this question.

Which of these do you consider abuse?

4% (2) verbal harrassment
14% (6) physical harrassment
19% (8) sexual harrassment
60% (25) all of the above

41 voters have answered this question.

Do you think it should be mandatory for adults to take parenting classes before they have a child?

36% (15) yes
63% (26) no

41 voters have answered this question.

Do you consider spanking child abuse?

13% (6) yes
86% (37) no

43 voters have answered this question.

Do you think there should be greater funds for preventing child abuse in the state of California?

55% (21) yes
44% (17) no

38 voters have answered this question.

What do you think is the biggest cause of child abuse?

21% (8) stress
28% (11) drugs/alcohol
23% (9) anger
26% (10) unresponsible caretakers

38 voters have answered this question.

Rate 1-10, how bad is child abuse in America? (10 being the highest).

15% (6) 1
5% (2) 2
7% (3) 3
7% (3) 4
7% (3) 5
7% (3) 6
10% (4) 7
10% (4) 8
2% (1) 9
27% (11) 10

40 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-03-12 04:08:39 by LaurenNoel
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