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Why white people create fake polls about black people.

I find there are alot of Polls directed at Blacks in order to make them look bad. I want to find out why you think a few badly-intentioned White people find this type of behavior acceptable.
Why do some (not all) white people throw internet tantrums directed at black people and other non-caucasian races?
Because they had a bad experience with Blacks and other races.
Because they hate the color brown
Because the are ignorant and grew up in ignorance.
Because they are full of themselves
What do you think about white pride?
I hate it!
Its no different that Black Pride, Asian Pride or any other Pride.
Its ok, as long as it isnt putting down any other race.
Why should whites be proud?
Are racist white people justified in the way they put down entire races of people.
yes!They deserve it
No I dont agree with the way they put others down.
Absolutely not!
Im a racist
[Blacks] How do you feel when you are treated as a steryotype.
I guess its ok
I hate it!
I wish it would stop, but it never will.
I like it. I am the steryotype
[Blacks] Have you personally ever been called a "the N-word" by anyone of the white race?
yes I have
No, but sometimes I feel like they say it with their eyes.
No.I never experienced this type of racism
Never. And I would never use racist verbal abuse towards anyone else
[Blacks] Do you use that word among yourselves: with your friends, family, coworkers?
Yes I love using that word!
I did in the past, but I know its a bad idea now
No, Its a word only ignorant whites and blacks use to make themselves feel powerful. I wont stoop to that level.
[Whites] Have you ever used the "N-word before?
Yep I love that word!
I only say it around other Whites or with my friends in public
I used it before in the past, but know its a bad idea now
No, thats only a word ignorant Blacks and Whites use . I wont stoop to that level.
[Whites] If you could use that word freely and in public without black people being able to do anything about it would you? would that be a dream come true?
Absolutely, I have always secretly wished I could use it freely
Umm...No because then it wouldnt be any fun
I could care less its not a word I use anyway
[Racist Whites] Are all Black people N*ggers to you or just a certain type of black person.
Black person= N*ggers
An intelligent, well mannered Black person who takes care of themselves and their race is NOT a N*gger
N*ggers, Black People, Negroes, good or bad I hate them all!!
General Question: Are you a racist?
No. I dont hate anyone
[Black]I dont hate anyone, but I believe I am superior
[White]I dont hate anyone, but I believe I am superior
[Other]I dont hate anyone, but I believe I am superior
I am a racist in general
If you had a bad experience with someone of another race, do you hate everyone of that race?
[Whites and Other] Have you personally ever met an intelligent, kind Black person before, that was nothing like negative steryotypes?
no. never
who cares, I hate them all!!!
[Blacks} Have you ever met a kind, non racist, intelligent White, Asian or hispanic person before? (choose which has been the most respectful and kind in your experience)
[Whites}Have you ever met a kind, non racist, intelligent Black, Asian or Hispanic person before? (choose which have been the most respectful and kind in your experience)
Is it really important that one race is better than the other?
Competition boosts my ego
No not really
I dont think any one race is better than the other, we all have flaws and strengths
Rasist people are:
the true N*ggers
my friends
extremely dangerous and violent
Do you think women are beautiful or just one race of women are beautiful?
only white women are beautiful
only black women are beautiful
only asian women are beautiful
all women are beautiful
why is it always a competition?
Do you think women are beautiful or just one race of women are beautiful?
only white women are beautiful
only black women are beautiful
only asian women are beautiful
all women are beautiful
why is it always a competition?
This poll was created on 2006-04-07 19:59:40 by faeriedust