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What do Girls Find Attractive In Guys?

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What attributes do girls most prefer in males? Girls only please! Guys just skip ahead to the results.

What is your gender?

65% (1087) Female
34% (569) Male (please do not participate in this poll)

1656 voters have answered this question.

What is your age range?

8% (108) 25+
24% (312) 19-24
63% (796) 13-18
3% (39) <12

1255 voters have answered this question.

To which race do you belong most dominantly?

67% (866) White
6% (77) Black
7% (95) Hispanic
13% (171) Asian
5% (65) Other

1274 voters have answered this question.

What is most important to you in a guy?

22% (272) Physical Appearance
58% (696) Personality
18% (221) The Way He Acts

1189 voters have answered this question.

What kind of body type do you prefer in guys?

2% (32) Very Fat
5% (64) Slightly Fat
66% (784) Medium Weight
38% (459) Slightly Thin
9% (114) Thin

1182 voters have answered this question.

Which of these is most important in a guy?

29% (345) Facial Features
21% (253) Eyes
22% (270) Smile
7% (87) Hair
18% (223) Body

1178 voters have answered this question.

Which body parts do you find the most attractive in guys?

32% (375) Shoulders
21% (247) Back
38% (456) Arms
22% (260) Hands
46% (540) Chest
35% (412) Stomach
22% (262) Butt
13% (163) Legs
3% (43) Feet

1170 voters have answered this question.

What type of hair do you like on males?

2% (31) Ponytail/Rat-tail
5% (63) Long Hair
24% (290) Medium, Shaggy
17% (209) Medium, Neat
13% (158) Short, Gelled/Spiked
28% (335) Short, Natural
6% (79) Very Short

1165 voters have answered this question.

What height of men do you prefer?

18% (211) 6'2"+
60% (707) 5'8"-6'1"
17% (208) 5'4"-5'8"
3% (39) <5'3"

1165 voters have answered this question.

What are important personality traits that you like in males?

79% (926) Sense of Humor
18% (221) Serious Minded
7% (93) Chaste
49% (580) Considerate
20% (240) Humility
19% (222) Pride
33% (388) Ambitious
43% (508) Cheerful

1166 voters have answered this question.

What do you consider the worst turn-off?

31% (365) Bad Attitude
21% (252) Unpleasent Smell
9% (113) Acne
25% (299) Poor Heigene
11% (130) Excessively Hairy

1159 voters have answered this question.

What is your preferred hair colour for a male?

22% (257) Black
29% (346) Dark Brown
24% (286) Brown
12% (143) Dirty Blonde
6% (81) Blonde
3% (46) Red

1159 voters have answered this question.

What kind of shirt do you like on a guy?

18% (211) Tank-top/Muscle Shirt
33% (391) T-Shirt (tight)
28% (327) T-Shirt (baggy)
21% (245) Polo-Shirt
27% (315) Button-up Casual
8% (100) Button-up Formal
11% (137) Suit

1161 voters have answered this question.

I prefer guys who are:

4% (49) Extremely Muscular
34% (401) Muscular
45% (527) Slightly Muscular
4% (55) Non-Muscular
11% (136) Muscle Doesn't Matter

1168 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-06-19 20:25:58 by Pickle Power
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