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Hey, thanks for helping me with my English project by taking this survey!
Generally, what you think about censorship in the media and on the internet?
It's great
It's ok
I dont think about it
It's bad
There shouldnt be any restrictions
China blocks thousands of new websites everyday, mainly because the website contains a different political view. What do you think about this?
It protects the citizens in China
Relatively good reason
There's no need
It's ridiculous and absurd
China takes censorship to the next level by banning movies that have homosexual content, supernatural theme, and/or difference in present political views and traditional beliefs. What do you think about this?
That's ok, I can always go buy pirated movies
Meh, I dont like Brokeback Mountain anyways
Neutral feelings
No, that's crossing the line
Television shows are also somewhat censored in China. Certain words such as "penis", "lesbian" are cut from scenes. Also, certain hit TV shows may not find its way to China because of its content (eg "Will and Grace"). What do you think about this?
I agree
I dont like the word "penis"
Neutral feelings
Sometimes the episodes lose their meaning that way
Wrong, wrong, wrong. WAY crossing the line.
Some books are also banned from China (surprise, surprise) What do you think about this?
Some can be hurtful
I dont read anyways
Neutral Feelings
It's bad for children's education if some books cannot be reached.
Sometimes China broadcasts bias news reports especially when it comes to political news. What do think about this?
It's fiiine...
It's to protect
Neutral Feelings
No one will know the true story
It's almost as wrong as broadcasting fictional news
Honestly, do you think China's strict censorship law is "hurting" or "protecting"?
Neither (Neutral)
Where do you think the line should be drawn?
Banning websites
Banning books
Banning movies
Banning TV shows//editting episodes
All of the above
None (Ban everything)
This poll was created on 2006-04-13 13:10:54 by english research project