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Is PreMarital Sex an Unforgivable Sin?

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What do You think?

Is PreMarital Sex a sin?

70% (96) Yes.
29% (40) No.

136 voters have answered this question.

Is PreMarital Sex an Unforgivable Sin?

19% (27) Yes. Fornicators will be cast into Satan's realm.
80% (109) No.

136 voters have answered this question.

Will all PreMarital Sex offenders go to hell?

12% (17) Yes let them burn.
81% (107) No. If they confess.
6% (8) Probably.

132 voters have answered this question.

What will be their punishment?

25% (25) Premarital sex offenders will melt in the eternal hellfire.
64% (64) They will be disconnected from God.
10% (10) They will be destroyed.

99 voters have answered this question.

What percentage of PreMarital Sex offenders will go to hell?

38% (46) 0%-Not a sin.
13% (16) 25%
17% (21) 50%
12% (15) 75%
17% (21) 100%-Unforgivable sin.

119 voters have answered this question.

Can they go to heaven.

83% (105) Yes.
16% (21) No.

126 voters have answered this question.

Will they go to heaven or hell?

35% (41) Hell.
64% (74) Heaven.

115 voters have answered this question.

Is Premarital Sex the worst sin?

85% (113) No.
14% (19) Yes. Fornicators are damned to eternal hellfire.

132 voters have answered this question.

Is there a chance for the offender to get into heaven.

14% (19) No. All fornicators are hellbound.
1% (2) Not likely.
7% (9) Probably.
66% (85) Yes.
10% (13) Hopefully.

128 voters have answered this question.

What should we do to the offenders?

18% (23) Fornicators should be excommunicated.
8% (10) Fornicators should be damned to eternal physical torture in hell.
73% (92) Nothing.

125 voters have answered this question.

What does God think of fornicators?

8% (11) He hates them and will not forgive them.
9% (12) He loves them but will not forgive them.
4% (6) He hates them but will forgive them.
76% (95) He loves them and will forgive them.

124 voters have answered this question.

Are Pre-Marital Sex offenders whores?

21% (27) Absolutely.
64% (82) No.
14% (18) Don't Know.

127 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2006-05-11 16:42:16 by docp12
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